Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How Does Chiropractic Work?

Hi Everyone,

I hope the first week of school is going well for all of our students. I also hope everyone had a good holiday weekend. This weekend I was pretty busy. One of the things I had a chance to do, was to pick some apples right off the tree...I love fresh fruit!

With school underway, now is a good time to make sure your backpack (or your kid's backpacks) fit properly. A good backpack should have a lumbar support (low back support), adjustable straps that are fitted correctly, and weigh less than or equal to 10-20% of your body weight (for a child this is about 10-15 lbs maximum). I know, if your a parent you are thinking that this is impossible. The kids have too many books, especially as they get older. It can be done with a little planning and maybe a chat with a teacher or two. Backpacks on wheels can also be a helpful tool. They are similar to the luggage that we like to pull behind us.

Someone used to backpacking or camping with a pack (usually 40-60 lbs), should be training or doing this activity enough that they are strong enough to handle more weight. If you are backpack camping remember less is more! Ask your chiropractor to make sure your backpack is fitted correctly.

Today, I bumped into a video on Facebook that is really amazing. It talks about how chiropractic works, and describes a chiropractic subluxation. It gives you a view of the nervous system and the human body that can truly show you what it is that is happening with chiropractic care.

Here is the link to the video:!

Here is a link to the information on subluxations that is on my website:


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