Friday, June 25, 2010

First chiropractic adjustment part 2

Hi Everyone,

This week has been so busy, but everyone should now be ready for their vacations this weekend. I'm always grateful that I have a job I enjoy so much. It's nice to have a job that allows me to help increase the enjoyment of so many people while they are on vacation!

This week if found the study referenced in my last blog. This is the study done based on the story about the first chiropractic adjustment.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Hearing and Chiropractic

Hi Everyone,

Right now, there is a big snapping turtle in front of my office (larger than a cat, and some dogs). She is slowly wandering down the sidewalk toward the nature center's lake. It nested and left eggs in the parking lot a couple of weeks ago. I'm hoping that I'm around when they hatch, that would be fun to see.

As a chiropractic student one of the first things they tell you is about the story of the first chiropractic adjustment. Any good chiropractic student, or student of any science, would wonder if it was true, has it been studied. When I was a student I often wondered if anyone had tried to reproduce that outcome. I never did find any studies then. Chiropractic can be hard to study for several reasons, one of which is that the doctor will always know if the treatment given was real, or a sham. That makes it hard to do a double blind study.

So, is it possible that the first chiropractic adjustment helped a man hear? Click on the following link, and you decide.


Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ear Infections

Hi Everyone,

It has been nice to see some of the college students that are home for the summer. I love hearing about their adventures away from home. I am also glad that most of them are only needing wellness care.

Here is some info I found this week on ear infections.


Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hi everyone,

Well, the chiropractor can tell it was Memorial Day! Car rides, painting, gardening, walking too much at various places, working at the cabin, golf, and silly family games have all caused my patients much pain. I'll have to remember to do a Memorial Day boot camp class on how to stay healthy next year!